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What is PlanRutherford?

Plan Rutherford is a county-wide public planning initiative to engage residents and businesses in defining a vision for the community that will serve as a framework for the county's future.

This process will:

+ Establish a shared vision for the community.

+ Evaluate growth and development trends to
    understand impacts on housing options,

    land consumption, roads and utility
    infrastructure, and other programs and

+ Recommend policies and strategies to guide
    land development and prioritize investments

    into public infrastructure and services.


What is a Comprehensive Plan?

A Comprehensive Plan is a guiding document that public agencies, residents, employers, developers, and other stakeholders can use to ensure that Rutherford County grows according to a shared vision.​

How long will it take?

Planning began in Spring of 2022, and is expected to continue through 2023.  ​

How will public input be used?

Through open houses, community meetings, workshops, town halls and small group meetings the county will collect public input. Each phase of public engagement builds on the next helping to ensure feedback is validated and shapes the plan according to the shared vision of stakeholders.


Understanding Current Conditions


Setting a Vision and Expectations

PR Town Hall-03.jpg

Considering Alternatives Development Patterns


Defining Strategies

and Actions

Phases of Plan Development 
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